Monday, August 31, 2009

Sneak in more Omega 3 & 6 with Hemp Milk

Research as well as anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that Omega 3 & 6 oils, like the naturally occuring "good" fats found in fish, can promote and enhance brain developement and function.

In fact there are plenty of remarkable stories out there about improvements for kids with autism, preemies and, of course, kids with speech delays.

A naturapathic doctor suggested we try it but warned me of cheap fish oils that may be contaminated with mercury. She suggested I go with a reputable, high quality brand like Nordic Naturals.

But what do you do when your picky eating kid won't take the oil even in those snazzy little fruit flavored gel caps?

Hemp Milk. Living Harvest Hemp Milk contains 800 mg of Omega 3 and 2,600 mg of Omega 6 in each 8 oz serving. It is also a good source of calcium, Vit D, B 12 and Magnesium.

With 4 times the protein per serving as Rice Milk, it is an excellent milk alternative.

Plus it is really yummy. It comes in 3 flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate and Original; sweeted and unsweeted. It is thicker than your typical soy or rice milk but has a very smooth creamy texture. Our favorite is chocolate, of course, and we cut it a little with rice milk and warm it up for a morning hot chocolate. Just delicious and not too sweet. I know he is getting his "good" fat as he is sipping it down for breakfast.

Give it a try. I can't imagine even the pickiest kid not liking it. And, even us parents could use a little more "good" fat in our diet.

Hemp Milk is an easy, painless way to make it happen.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I will get that and try it. I used to take a Omega 3 vit. but didn't feel comfortable giving it to my kids. So will do!!

Thanks for the info and for keeping us healthy!!

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