Sunday, November 6, 2011

It has been a LONG time...

I was pondering just today about how much I missed blogging. How I loved the serendipitous connections and the creative and emotional release. Why wasn't I doing it anymore? Sure, I am busy, real busy these days but that isn't the only reason.

Coaxing words from Shea somehow just doesn't seem to fit anymore. I am no longer in that place. I started Coaxing when I was sad and scared about Shea. Those of you who know, I had a toddler that couldn' or wouldn't speak. Those were the days where I had no idea what his future had in store and was dreading and dwelling on the worst scenarios. Dark anguished times. Those were the early special mommy years and they hurt.

But that is not me anymore.

I am no longer terrified of what Shea's future will be. I, of course, still don't know but he is a happy, healthy kid and talks plenty. Yes, he still has some articulation issues and he is still getting speech through the school and weekly private. And he does have some learning challenges although mild; math is hard but reading is easy.

But Shea is all dude;Wii games, Basketball, Tennis, his puddy cats; the kids leads a charmed "normal" life.

If I only knew then what I know now. How much solace I would have taken.

Time to move on.

So, here is an honest attempt; Fresh ground; ponderings, a definite work in progress.

Let's just say I will have a wider platform of topics without being all over the place!

Come visit me there!


Anonymous said...

Julie (Gordon's Mom) here, Shelly. Going comfortably gray, too. Thanks for posting this. I see it is from 1st grade. I think about that performance at the end of the year when both Shea and Gordon were up in front of the school reading & speaking. When Shea got up and read I remember looking back into the audience, finding you in the crowd. I was crying because of how far those two had come. These amazing little beings. And they have come even further today. Ah - just misty musings. Hope you guys are well.

Emma Goodier said...

Hi, I know this is an old blog and I’m not sure if you still read or use this platform. But reading what you have wrote here gives me some hope my son is very nearly 3 and has been diagnosed with apraxia he has never babbled, said them first words “mama, dada, baba” etc… we appointed a private speech therapist last year in April and she has been amazing as I say he now nearly 3 and 7 understandable words. He has a word/sound for everything and his understanding is impeccable.
Whilst reading what you posted here you said your son can now speak may I ask if that is full understandable speech or if you mean more he doesn’t make sounds, point or scream any more? My son use to do all of those things but he now has a sound/word for everything we just have to work out what he’s trying to say but he’s very good at cuing you which helps and also signing so you can work out what he’s trying to say quickly. I hope this makes sense lol 😂

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